Нашла видео о лошадях как скучаю так хочу к своему Разгрому только вот его уже нет моего друга на конезавод отвезли ну ему надеюсь там лучше! Нашла такую песню девочки и лошади! жаль не могу скачать с ютуба может закачаю потом!
Слова песни
Теmpelton Thompson Girls and hourses
Well she talks about them
Dreams about them
Thinks about them all the time
She's got to have them
Be lost without them
You can see it in her eyes
What is it, what is it with girls and horses
She says, (now) when I was a young girl
They were my whole world
They were my one safe place
And now that I'm older
I still lean on their shoulders
Still feel like that girl somedays
What is it, what is it with girls and horses
Sometimes I wanna give up
Throw up my hands and say enough's enough
That's when I go and saddle up
And runaway, 'til I'm ok
'Til I'm not afraid of staying in the game
Maybe that's what it is
With girls and horses
Well I talk about them
And I dream about them
Live to love them
And I love to ride
I'll always have them
Be lost without them
There's magic in those gentle eyes
What is it, what is it with girls and horses
What is it, what is it with girls and horses
Это практически гимн для девочек которые влюблены в лошадей здесь есть какая-то магическая связь